Saturday, February 26, 2022

Time Well Spent

Parents- our thanks for answering questions in The 5 Essentials Survey. 
Your input (
in the link above) enables us to improve learning for all Parkside youth.

If you think these kindergarteners
enjoy our P.E. classes, you'd be correct!

            As well, Mr. Williams always can
             always count on the helpers in his midst.

       "Play is the work of childhood."  ~Jean Piaget

Together is Better!


Thursday, February 24, 2022

This Will Make Your Day

 Our preschoolers are something special.
They're eager, curious, and friendly.
Helpful too, in so many ways.
The future is in good hands.
So eager to create new things.
Seeing the world through
eyes is a beautiful thing.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Good, Better, Best

Pupils can and do support one another in so many ways.
That practice is an important part of our school days.
Learning together is a powerful thing.
Nurturing your talent?  There's nothing better,
except if you are helping others do the same thing.
Self awareness builds confidence.
Solving a mystery or taking on a challenge....
is one sure way to inspire
others & that's always the "way-to-go." 



Friday, February 18, 2022

Around the School


Many a lesson happened this week.
Subject:  math class & regrouping to solve subtraction problems.

Our specials include activities in the computer lab.
Writing essays and then rereading them for edits.
Mastering reading music and notes in each measure.
Music is a healing thing and "practice makes perfect."

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Best Part

Winter with those frosty ways has us
all inside most days, but we're filled with joy.
Some classes are studying the solar system.
How about special surprises made by
students for others during "Kindness Week!"
Peek into rooms & everyone's busy.
We pass along the smiles....
With Valentine's Day so near, 
we're sure you are on the "same page!"


Friday, February 11, 2022

Smile As You Remember

They'll remember when Mr. Williams let them "hoop it up!" 
He'll remember that lesson with Mrs. Tohill.
Lunch before serving so many meals?
We're lucky these professionals take such special care of us.
Who can resist visiting days with loveable Gabby?
Who'll forget the moment they
heard Mrs. Zehner announce their names?
Names of those recognized as leaders
who "shine" when it comes to habits four & five.  
They'll remember congratulations from
 Mrs. Hayes and Mr. Wood, right there on the
red carpet
Another week of amazing 
days within our school family. 



Friday, February 4, 2022

Inspiring Hope and Igniting Imagination

 "Teachers teach because they care.
Teaching young people is what they do best.
It requires long hours, patience, and care."
~Horace Mann

 "Free the child's potential, and
you will transform him into the world."
~Maria Montessori 

"What a teacher writes on
the blackboard of life can never be forgotten."

"One child, one teacher,
one book, 
one pen can change the world."
~Malala Yousafzia


Thursday, February 3, 2022

100 Days Smarter

Leaders celebrated a milestone across our school year!
One hundred days...can you believe it?
Yes indeed, with activities across the grades.
For the "love of learning" we'd say.
Gabby celebrated with us all day long.
One hundred lessons or more, together!
Will they someday be "century-year-old" friends?
Inquiring minds want to know:
Did students need to take a nap
on the 100th school day of their year?
