Sunday, May 12, 2024

Our 2024 Leadership Day

These helpers welcomed each & every guest.
Indeed, May 3rd was the big day!
Mr. David Courtney, Lawrenceville's Mayor, joined us.
Vincennes Mayor Mr. Joe Yochum was here too.
Things ran smoothly...many thanks to
the members of our Student Lighthouse team!
Guests congratulated our "Habit 7" award winners.
Every wing was filled with lessons, a busy, busy day!
We were proud to share & explain our daily journey
for learning important skills that build leadership potential.
Each class chose to showcase their learning & talents.
When was the last time you attended a book talk?
These guests agreed:  "Readers are Leaders!"
Learning is a bit like takes practice.
"Play is the work of children."  ~Jean Piaget

"Play" is a key to developing the skills
of cooperation, creativity, & collaboration.
"Necessity may be the mother of invention, 
but play is certainly the father."  ~Roger Von Oech
There was no lack of enthusiasm on the part of our youth.
Play is indeed, a child's natural form of expression.
Where there are boats, there is cargo, but how much?
These pupils showcased how laptops can aid reading skills. 
Rainy weather "moved" our dance party to the gym.
A whole lot of "shakin" going on! 
Silly, fun times...
We did reach our reading goal of 30,000 AR points! 
Yet the best news of all, from Mrs. Hayes' announcement?  
Results from April's review has awarded
Parkside Elementary as a Lighthouse School!
Can you feel the joy?
Can you imagine the pride?
We celebrate this history with thankfulness!
Our staff has a vision of success for all children.
Thanks to all our guests for coming
and helping us celebrate our 2024 Leadership Day.



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